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At ConViniCar, we aim to help Car Owners whose lives are suddenly HALTED by an unexpected car repair or accident. With our FREE ConViniCar app, ONE CALL dispatches towing, repair, car rental and insurance as ONE service for fast results, more convenience, so you get Your CAR FIXED, and Your LIFE BACK.

Download the App NOW to Get Started on our BETA TEST for FREE
When faced with an accident or an unexpected, disruptive car repair, YOUR LIFE STOPS. It’s like a CAR THIEF stealing your car - and you feel helpless to get it back.

The cost, the inconvenience, including responsibilities to work and loved ones, is completely disrupted…all at the mercy of different vendors who too often tend to beat to their own drum.

Until Now. Introducing ConViniCar…

...your One-Stop-Techno-Shop that with one call, dispatches towing, repair, car rental and insurance as ONE service for fast results, more convenience, so you can get your CAR FIXED, and YOUR LIFE BACK.

Founded by professionals with more than 15 years...

...leveraging the latest technology in service to car owners and their families, we have worked with all the players in the service, insurance, towing and car rental process.

We know the struggle, which is why we created ConViniCar!

How it Works

When you install the ConViniCar app and register YOUR FREE MEMBERSHIP, should you find yourself needing an unexpected car repair (especially in case of an accident), ConViniCar will be the first and only call they make. ConViniCar will immediately alert and dispatch all necessary parties.
Your Participating Insurance Carrier
A Participating Towing Service
A Participating Auto Repair Facility
A Participating Car Rental Service
“Participation” with ConViniCar indicates the vendor’s commitment to providing fast, smooth coordination and communication with other vendors, all with a shared goal to make a difficult time for you as fast and painless as possible with full price transparency, and minimal inconvenience.

With a Growing Network of Vendors in Your Community...

...their participation in ConViniCar is their pledge to Coordinate, Communicate, and Care for YOU, their Customer. Download ConViniCar today! Install and register your membership for FREE.